TRAX Final Report available to view

Airservices Australia has today published the Brisbane New Parallel Runway Flight Paths Post Implementation Review (PIR) Independent Review Final Report by Trax International (Trax).

Trax was appointed in January to independently review and make improvement recommendations across all aspects of the Brisbane PIR, with a particular focus on opportunities to limit and, where possible, reduce impacts of aircraft noise.

In its Final Report, Trax makes a series of recommendations focused on:

  • enhancing governance and communications around airspace changes;
  • further maximising flights over water;
  • reducing the frequency and concentration of flights over communities; and
  • optimising the wider Brisbane airspace system to deliver improved aircraft noise outcomes for communities.

Airservices Chief Executive Officer Jason Harfield said: “Airservices is committed to considering all opportunities for improved noise outcomes for the Brisbane community and to progressing those options assessed as safe and feasible.”

“We look forward to consulting further with the community and industry on the Trax recommendations over the coming months as part of the Brisbane PIR process.”

Airservices will release its response to the Trax Final Report ahead of Brisbane PIR stakeholder and community meetings scheduled for September and has invited Trax to participate in the meetings.

For more information on the Brisbane New Parallel Runway Flight Paths PIR and upcoming September community meetings to discuss the recommended approach to noise improvements, visit Airservices’ Engage website.

Posted on: August 22, 2022

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