Cancelled National Information Circulars

A copy of a cancelled NIC may be obtained by emailing Doc Services

Information on NIC content may be obtained by emailing ATS Integrity at ATS Integrity

  Cancelled NIC
NIC 03/2024 Change notification – 13 June 2024 AIRAC
NIC 01/2024 Change notification – 21 March 2024 AIRAC
NIC 14/2023 MATS Version 66 Table of Contents page numbering
NIC 13/2023 Change to telephony designator for TFX
NIC 12/2023 Change notification – 30 November 2023 AIRAC
NIC 11/2023 Australian Army H47/H60 Uncommanded Tone Transmissions
NIC 10/2023 MATS RAIM outage prediction removal
NIC 09/2023 Change notification – 7 September 2023 AIRAC
NIC 08/2023 SSR Code 7300 for Due Regard Procedures
NIC 07/2023 New Flight Number Callsigns and Designators
NIC 06/2023 New Flight Number Callsigns and Designators
NIC 05/2023 Change notification – 15 June 2023 AIRAC
NIC 04/2023 SSR Code 7300 for Due Regard Procedures
NIC 03/2023 Jeppesen Electronic Chart Issue – Holding Patterns
NIC 02/2023 Change notification - 23 March 2023 AIRAC
NIC 01/2023 MATS Part 6 re-write
NIC 07/2022 PJE Lateral Separation by Visual Observation
NIC 06/2022 Change notification – 1 December 2022 AIRAC
NIC 05/2022 Change notification – 8 September 2022 AIRAC
NIC 04/2022 New Flight Number Callsign designator - BNZ – BONZA
NIC 03/2022 ARFFS Category changes
NIC 02/2022 Change notification - 16 June 2022 AIRAC
NIC 01/2022 SI/ NAPM to MATS amendments
NIC 10/2021 Flight plan and telephony designators HY - HARDY
NIC 09/2021 New designators PY – SKIPPY
NIC 08/2021 Amendment to uncertainty phase declaration times for 'Failure to Report'
NIC 07/2021 Change notification – 2 December 2021 AIRAC
NIC 06/2021 Change notification – 9 September 2021 AIRAC
NIC 05/2021 Restricted areas outside Australian Territorial waters
NIC 04/2021 Australian Army Chinook Uncommanded Radio Transmissions
NIC 03/2021 Australian Army Chinook Uncommanded Radio Transmissions
NIC 02/2021 Change notification – 17 June 2021 AIRAC
NIC 01/2021 Change notification - 25 March 2021 AIRAC
NIC 07/2020 Summary of Changes – 5 November 2020 AIRAC
NIC 06/2020 Summary of Changes – 13 August 2020 AIRAC
NIC 05/2020 Summary of Changes – 21 May 2020 AIRAC
NIC 05/2019 MATS Section Heading
NIC 04/2020 New Flight Number Callsign designators PBA - PILBARA
NIC 03/2020 New Flight Number Callsign designators PBA - PILBARA
NIC 02/2020 Lateral separation using tower observation
NIC 01/2020 Summary of Changes - 27 February 2020 AIRAC
NIC 04/2019 Summary of Changes - 7 November 2019 AIRAC
NIC 03/2019 Summary of Changes - 15 August 2019 AIRAC
NIC 02/2019 Summary of Changes - 23 May 2019 AIRAC
NIC 01/2019 Summary of Changes - 28 February 2019 AIRAC
NIC 12/2018 Correction to MATS form: Urgent SAR Message (ATS-FORM-0021)
NIC 11/2018 Inclusion of Thunderstorm Conditions in METAR and SPECI
NIC 10/2018 GNSS in lieu of DME for separation standards DEP 8, D5, D6, D7, D8a, D8b and D8c
NIC 09/2018 Summary of Changes - 8 November 2018 AIRAC
NIC 08/2018 Qatar Airways - Introduction of alpha-numeric callsign suffixes on Australian routes
NIC 07/2018 New Flight Number Callsign for LifeFlight Australia - "Guardian"
NIC 06/2018 Summary of Changes - 16 August 2018 AIRAC
NIC 05/2018 ATM Data Link Handbook moved to National Reference Library
NIC 04/2018 Summary of Changes - 24 May 2018 AIRAC
NIC 03/2018 Emirates - Introduction of alpha-numeric callsign suffixes on Australian routes
NIC 02/2018 New Flight Number Callsign designators BNY - BOUNTY
NIC 01/2018 Summary of Changes - 1 March 2018 AIRAC
NIC 14/2017 JRCC Phone number in MATS
NIC 13/2017 Summary of Changes - 9 November 2017 AIRAC
NIC 12/2017 Introduction and transition of RAAF aircraft types
NIC 11/2017 ICAO SID STAR changes
NIC 10/2017 Summary of Changes - 17 August 2017 AIRAC
NIC 09/2017 Introduction of new flight plan indicators to support required communication performance (RCP) and required surveillance performance (RSP)
NIC 08/2017 Allocation of new designators PCF - PACIFIC
NIC 07/2017 Change of designators TGW - SCOOTER
NIC 06/2017 GNSS Lateral Separation - exception to the requirement to remain established on track
NIC 05/2017 Summary of Changes - 25 May 2017 AIRAC
NIC 04/2017 ERSA Flight Planning Requirements and Options
NIC 03/2017 Summary of Changes - 2 March 2017 AIRAC
NIC 02/2017 ADS-B Mandate - 2 February 2017
NIC 01/2017 ADS-B Mandate - 2 February 2017
NIC 18/2016 GNSS lateral separation - confirm established on track exception
NIC 17/2016 Flight Number Callsign (FNC) for Network Aviation Australia
NIC 16/2016 Flight Number Callsign TIGGOZ/GO CAT delay
NIC 15/2016 Summary of Changes - 10 November 2016 AIRAC
NIC 14/2016 Part 8 Re-write - Matrix of Clauses
NIC 12/2016 Flight Number Callsign for Tiger Airways Australia
NIC 11/2016 Stop bar lighting faults
NIC 10/2016 New callsigns and designators
NIC 09/2016 Summary of Changes - 18 August 2016 AIRAC
NIC 08/2016 Military formation callsign radiotelephony
NIC 07/2016 Jeppesen holding pattern data
NIC 06/2016 External access to MATS page documents
NIC 05/2016 GNSS and Separation Standards
NIC 04/2016 AIRAC changes May 2016
NIC 03/2016 Flight Number Callsign for Tiger Airways Australia
NIC 02/2016 New IFER Checklist
NIC 01/2016 Summary of Changes - 3 March 2016 AIRAC
NIC 25/2015 Summary of Changes - 12 November 2015 AIRAC
NIC 24/2015 Border Force Flight Number Callsign
NIC 23/2015 Virgin/Tiger Flight Planning
NIC 22/2015 MATS - Cold temperature correction
NIC 21/2015 ATIS Dissemination
NIC 20/2015 Virgin Airlines ATR 72 and LAHSO
NIC 19/2015 Virgin Airlines B737 Speed Restriction on Climb
NIC 18/2015 Summary of Changes - 20 August 2015 AIRAC
NIC 17/2015 RAAF 34SQN BBJ RNP-AR Operations
NIC 16/2015 RNAV (RNP) approaches: Level assignment during clearance direct to a waypoint
NIC 15/2015 Summary of Changes - 28 May 2015 AIRAC
NIC 14/2015 LAHSO - MATS Changes
NIC 13/2015 LAHSO - MATS Changes
NIC 12/2015 Jetstar B787 RNP-AR Update
NIC 11/2015 Changes to IMA Process
NIC 10/2015 Summary of Changes - 28 May 2015 AIRAC
NIC 09/2015 MATS Chapter 10 Lateral Separation Rewrite
NIC 08/2015 Jetstar A320/A330 and B787 - DME Arrival Procedure
NIC 07/2015 Virgin Airlines ATR 72 and LAHSO
NIC 06/2015 ICAO Doc 8585 Designator Error - 'SFZ'
NIC 05/2015 Summary of Changes - 5 March 2015 AIRAC
NIC 04/2015 Jetstar B787 RNP-AR Training
NIC 03/2015 Jetstar B787 RNP-AR Training
NIC 02/2015 Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in Control Zones
NIC 01/2015 Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in Control Zones
NIC 37/2014 34 SQN RNAV (RNP) Day VMC Approval
NIC 36/2014 Special Task Callsign - NAVCHECK/NVCK
NIC 35/2014 Summary of Changes - 13 November 2014 AIRAC and MATS print quality issues
NIC 34/2014 SFZ/Skyforce flight number callsign
NIC 33/2014 Military Special Requirements Coordination
NIC 32/2014 Jetgo Australia - Designator Change
NIC 31/2014 Remotely Piloted Aircraft (RPA) in Control Zones
NIC 30/2014 Air New Zealand 787-9 Operating Speeds
NIC 29/2014 Summary of Changes - 21 August 2014 AIRAC
NIC 28/2014 GNSS for Non Precision Approach
NIC 26/2014 MATS Validity Indications
NIC 25/2014 Old Navigation Approvals
NIC 24/2014 B717 Speed Restrictions - Cobham Aviation Services
NIC 23/2014 Summary of Changes - 29 May 2014 AIRAC
NIC 22/2014 Summary of Changes - 29 May 2014 AIRAC
NIC 21/2014 Military Flight Following
NIC 20/2014 Change of name from AusSAR to JRCC Australia
NIC 19/2014 GNSS for Non Precision Approach
NIC 18/2014 Pilot advice of ADS-B Exempt Status
NIC 17/2014 Virgin Australia E190 SID/STAR Issue
NIC 16/2014 Non-ADS-B Equipped Aircraft Operating in ADS-B Exempt Airspace
NIC 15/2014 Flight Information Service
NIC 13/2014 Non-ADS-B Equipped Aircraft Operating in ADS-B Exempt Airspace
NIC 12/2014 Virgin Australia E190 SID/STAR Issue
NIC 11/2014 Non-ADS-B Equipped Aircraft Operating in ADS-B Exempt Airspace
NIC 10/2014 Non-ADS-B Equipped Aircraft Operating in ADS-B Exempt Airspace
NIC 09/2014 Change Process for MATS
NIC 08/2014 Non-ADS-B Equipped Aircraft Operating in ADS-B Exempt Airspace
NIC 07/2014 Non-ADS-B Equipped Aircraft Operating in ADS-B Exempt Airspace
NIC 06/2014 LAHSO Participation
NIC 05/2014 Non-ADS-B Equipped Aircraft Operating in ADS-B Exempt Airspace
NIC 04/2014 MATS Pending Link
NIC 03/2014 B717 Standard Speeds
NIC 02/2014 Non-ADS-B Equipped Aircraft Operating in ADS-B Exempt Airspace
NIC 01/2014 787-8 and 747-8 Equipped with GE GEnx engines
NIC 26/2013 Non-ADS-B Equipped Aircraft Operating in ADS-B Exempt Airspace
NIC 25/2013 MATS Version 26 Matrix of Clauses
NIC 24/2013 Non-ADS-B equipped aircraft operating in ADS-B Exempt Airspace
NIC 23/2013 Non-ADS-B equipped aircraft operating in ADS-B Exempt Airspace
NIC 22/2013 LAHSO Participation
NIC 21/2013 Unmanned Aircraft Systems
NIC 20/2013 Parachutists Separation - Drop Area
NIC 19/2013 Summary of Changes - 14 November 13 AIRAC
NIC 18/2013 LAHSO Participation
NIC 17/2013 LAHSO Participation
NIC 16/2013 Introduction of B787 into service with Jetstar, (LAHSO update).
NIC 15/2013 MATS Re-formatting
NIC 14/2013 MATS Reformatting
NIC 13/2013 LAHSO Participation
NIC 12/2013 Introduction of B787 into service with Jetstar
NIC 11/2013 F18 Wake Turbulence
NIC 10/2013 Skywest F100 and A320 fleet transition to Velocity Flight Number Callsigns (FNC)
NIC 09/2013 Flight Number Callsign - PFY/'Pelflight'
NIC 08/2013 Virgin Australia E190 SID/STAR Issue
NIC 07/2013 Clearances not above the LSALT in Class E
NIC 06/2013 Formation Flights and RVSM
NIC 05/2013 Using Radar to Establish Outside a BLSP
NIC 04/2013 MATS Part 10 Separation Revision
NIC 03/2013 Unmanned Free Balloons
NIC 02/2013 GNSS for Non Precision Approach
NIC 01/2013 LAHSO Participation
NIC 22/2012 LAHSO Participation
NIC 21/2012 Virgin Australia E190 SID/STAR Issue
NIC 20/2012 Virgin GNSS for Non Precision Approach
NIC 19/2012 ATR 72 500/600 Standard Speeds
NIC 18/2012 ICAO Flight Plan Standard Equipment - ADF
NIC 17/2012 Velocity callsigns - LAHSO participation 
NIC 16/2012 Virgin Callsigns
NIC 15/2012 Virgin Callsigns
NIC 14/2012 LAHSO Participation
NIC 13/2012 LAHSO Participation
NIC 12/2012 MATS Clause structure
NIC 11/2012 Tiger Airways LAHSO
NIC 10/2012 Air Pacific Radiotelephony
NIC 09/2012 Q-Jet Flight Number Callsign
NIC 08/2012 Windshear escape manoeuvre
NIC 07/2012 Control Zone (CTR) Release
NIC 06/2012 DCN Format
NIC 05/2012 Coordination when entering or exiting a Restricted Area
NIC 04/2012 Advice to Pilots Entering Released Restricted Areas
NIC 03/2012 Airspace management (Chapter 2 re-write)
NIC 02/2012 Chapter 2 re-write
NIC 01/2012 VOZ Ejet SID/STAR
NIC 11-2011 LAHSO Exemptionsv3
NIC 10-2011 LAHSO Exemptions
NIC 09-2011 Windshear escape
NIC 08-2011 LAHSO Exemptions
NIC 07-2011 Mil Aerodrome DAP Removal from Jepp
NIC 06-2011 FNC - use of letters and numbers
NIC 05-2011 Deactivation of Restricted Airspace
NIC 03-2011 VOZ Ejet SID/STAR
NIC 02-2011 Trial RNP_AR
NIC 04-2011 Convair wake turbulence
NIC 01-2011 Naverus RNP-AR status notification

If these pages have been printed, they may be out of date.
Copyright Airservices Australia and Department of Defence.