Connecting people with their world safely

Secure, efficient and sustainable services for the aviation industry and our communities.

A career to take you above and beyond

Looking after 11% of the world's airspace takes people willing to give 110%. We’re looking for aviation enthusiasts across Australia to join our team.

Working with communities

Our dedicated Engage Airservices site provides the community with our central approach and standards regarding flight paths and changes.

ATC Tower against blue sky

Environmental commitments

We’re committed to reducing the impact of our operations on the environment, heritage and communities.

Daily service report, aviation network overview and more Future proofing Australia’s air traffic network Preparing our skies for drones and air taxis Aircraft movements in your area Flight Activity Tracker

Our purpose
The people of Airservices Australia

This is the story of people you may not know and have not yet met. But every time you take to the skies they are there.

People who safeguard our lives and our livelihoods, controlling
our skies to make them the safest in the world.

People who are ready to respond – not only in the face of emergencies, but to rescue and protect us from fire should the unthinkable happen.

People who are working to build the future of Australia’s skies –
the very infrastructure our economy relies on to secure our place in the world.

This is the story of people who go ‘Above and Beyond’ every
single day.

The people of Airservices Australia.

What we do
Aviation services

We provide a range of world-class services that allow safe and equitable access to our skies. Our primary focus is ensuring safe air travel and providing service outcomes that are matched to the needs of our airline customers.

  • 139.6m
    Passenger movements in FY2023
  • 3400
    Staff across Australia
  • 3.8m
    Aircraft movements in FY2023
  • 11%
    Safely manage 11% of the world's airspace

Latest news

Airservices Australia announces first round of Uncrewed Aircraft Systems Service Suppliers

Airservices Australia has announced the first round of Uncrewed Aircraft Systems (UAS) Service Suppliers (USS) to connect to the new Flight Information Management System (FIMS), ...

Rob Sharp Appointed as Chief Executive Officer of Airservices Australia

On behalf of the Board of Airservices Australia, I am pleased to confirm the appointment of Rob Sharp as Chief Executive Officer (CEO).Since joining Airservices ...
Australian Aviation Network Overview December Cover Photo - image of helicopter

Airservices Australia Releases December Australian Aviation Network Overview 

Airservices Australia has released its Australian Aviation Network Overview report for December 2024. Highlights include: The Christmas holiday period recorded the strongest growth in international travel over ...

New agreement provides Airservices Australia with access to advanced software tool to enhance airspace management

Airservices Australia has signed an agreement that will allow it to use market-leading airspace management software developed in the busy skies of Europe to optimise ...
Front cover of an aviation report

Airservices Australia Releases November Australian Aviation Network Overview 

Airservices Australia has released its Australian Aviation Network Overview report for November 2024. Highlights include: In November 2024, the Australian aviation network recorded a three per cent ...

Airservices Australia air traffic controllers ready to guide Santa this Christmas With Christmas fast approaching, Airservices Australia’s highly skilled air traffic controllers are working closely with Santa Claus to map out his top-secret flight plan ...