Airservices Australia has today released the final airspace design for Hobart after extensive community and industry consultation.
The final design minimises the effect of aircraft arrivals and departures on communities while maintaining the highest safety standards.
The final design includes a number of changes submitted by the community during consultation process.
Southern Operations Manager Steven Clarke said Airservices had undertaken one of its most extensive consultation programs to inform the design process.
“We considered feedback from different communities, airlines, regulatory authorities and other stakeholders to ensure that the final airspace design for Hobart strikes the right balance between all interests while meeting the highest safety standards,” Mr Clarke said.
“This final design will help ensure that Hobart Airport and the general aviation sector in Cambridge can continue to grow, helping to support the Tasmanian economy.”
Following community concern over Hobart Airspace changes implemented in late 2017, Airservices committed to reviewing the design after a consultation process.
This process has included 23 face-to-face consultation sessions in multiple communities, two stakeholder reference panel meetings and the assessment over 277 community submissions from 92 individuals.
Further information on the consultation process and final design including a map of the final design are available here.
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