Noise monitoring reports
You can view information collected by our long-term noise monitoring network live on our WebTrak sites for Adelaide, Brisbane, Cairns, Canberra, Gold Coast, Melbourne (includes Essendon), Perth and Sydney.
The noise monitor information we provide includes aircraft noise events and data showing the background and community noise events which occur in the area surrounding each noise monitor.
You can also access historic noise monitoring information through our airport pages.

Noise monitoring reports
We manage a short-term noise monitoring program which is an important addition to the Noise and Flight Path Monitoring System (NFPMS).
Short-term noise monitors can be deployed for a limited period of time, typically three months. They allow data to be obtained from locations that do not require or where a long-term monitor cannot be installed.
We publish reports on our short-term noise monitoring. The reports are grouped by state.
Noise monitoring
Network reviews
We review the noise monitoring networks around major airports to ensure that they meet current needs. These reviews can cover a range of factors, such as:
- location in relation to flight paths and population
- monitor reliability
- security and access
- licensing issues
- configuration.
We consult with local airport Community Aviation Consultation Groups on the terms of reference for these reviews and publish reports on them.
Want more
Learn more about how we undertake noise monitoring at airports around Australia using our Noise and Flight Path Monitoring System.