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Santa and an Airservices team member check his flight path ahead of Operation Present Drop.

Santa makes flying visit to Airservices Australia ahead of Operation Present Drop this Christmas

Check out all the video action of Santa’s visit to Airservices here. With Christmas fast approaching, Santa made a special,…
John Bowing with two Airservices employees at the original Sydney tower

Veteran air traffic controller shares secrets to success

Forging a career as an air traffic controller takes great self-discipline, confident decision making and the ability to perform under…

Air Traffic Controllers keep Australia moving

As borders reopen and Australians prepare to reunite with friends and family, a team of unseen essential workers has continued…
Candice Pearson with flight training instructor

Flying optometrist dream within reach

Candice Pearson is one step closer to fulfilling her dream of becoming a ‘flying optometrist’ after achieving her Commercial Pilot…