Airservices co-sponsors inaugural Women in Airports Forum


Airservices was proud to co-sponsor the very first Women in Airports Forum, hosted by the Australian Airports Association (AAA) on the Gold Coast ahead of its 2019 National Conference.

Dozens of Airservices staff from across the organisation attended with almost 100 other women in the aviation industry.

Addressing the forum, Executive General Manager of Customer Service Enhancement Michelle Bennetts said the industry had come a long way when it comes to gender diversity.

“You only have to look around the room to see how far this industry has come,” she said.

“But let’s face it, we’ve still got a long way to go – including at Airservices – and not just in gender but in age profile and other forms of diversity as well.”

AAA Chief Executive Officer Caroline Wilkie said the event was the first major initiative of the Women in Airports Network (WIAN), launched by the AAA earlier this year.

“We launched the Women in Airports Network to create a community that supports the growth and success of women working across our industry,” Ms Wilkie said.

“The forum gives delegates the chance to seek expert advice on building their career and personal brand, whether they work in operational or corporate roles.

Forum delegates spent the morning in workshops on conscious leadership and communicating for influence before hearing from a range of women throughout the industry such as Sydney Airport’s Kristi McLachlan, Melbourne Airport’s Lorie Argus, and Infrastructure Australia Chair Julieanne Alroe.

You can read more forum highlights here and here.

Posted on: November 19, 2019

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