Airservices Australia has established the Uncrewed Services Advisory Network (USAN) to enable us to better connect directly with uncrewed and Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) customers, and the wider aviation industry. ​
Through its members, the USAN is to provide Airservices with informed, objective high-level advice from the aviation community on current and emerging challenges and opportunities that have, or may have, implications for Airservices in its delivery of services to uncrewed and AAM customers.​
The USAN is the primary advisory body through which Airservices will direct its engagement with uncrewed and AAM customers.
The aviation community is encouraged to keep abreast of USAN activities through the Airservices website and look out for future opportunities to join us to deliver the future of airspace management in Australia.

Membership and meeting details
In mid-2023, Airservices called for expressions of interest to join the USAN. We received over 90 submissions for the limited number of USAN membership positions. We considered all content in the submissions, including;
- curriculum vitaes (where provided)
- depth of information
- diversity
- involvement in other advisory and working groups.
We also ensured the advisory network was well represented by many sectors in the aviation industry.
Under the USAN, we will stand up working groups from time to time to deal with specific topics, allowing for broader involvement of industry representatives that may not be current members of the USAN.
Consistent with our Terms of Reference, we will review the USAN membership every twelve months.