Public access to information
Freedom of information
We are subject to the Freedom of Information Act 1982 which:
- gives you a legal right to request access to documents held by us; and
- requires us to publish certain material on our website.
Details on how to submit an FOI request and the information we publish are set out below.

As a result of major changes to the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act), Australian Government agencies which are subject to the FOI Act, are required to publish a range of information on their websites as part of an Information Publication Scheme (IPS). This includes the agencies structure, functions, appointments, annual reports, consultation arrangements, and details of the agency's FOI officer.
Airservices will also publish information only that is routinely released from FOI requests and routinely provided to parliament.
Who we are
Our organisational structure.
What we do
Airservices functions, statutory appointments, annual reports, decisions and announcements, operational information and statistics.
Our reports and responses to Parliament
Including annual reports, documents required by law to be tabled in Parliament.
In accordance with sections 8(2)(g) and 11C of the Freedom of Information Act 1982 ("the FOI Act"), information released under the FOI Act is listed below.
Airservices will make documents available upon request, please contact us at if you wish to access these documents.
The list does not include the following:
- documents released under the FOI Act containing personal or business information which would be unreasonable to publish
- documents to which access has been refused or which are exempt from release under the FOI Act
- documents which have been released outside the FOI Act.
2025 | |
9 January 2025
FOI 24-89 |
Copy of the current Airservices Australia Style Guide/Brand Guide/Writing Guide. |
20 January 2025
FOI 24-91 |
Copies of all documents that directly relate to the existing Noise Monitors in Primrose Sands, Connelly's Marsh and Dunalley TAS, including location, supplier, calibration levels, actual noise data, results and findings that were used in Airservices Australia's decision making for these areas, for the period June 2024 to Dec 2024. |
2024 | |
20 December 2024
FOI 24-86 |
The number of aircraft that:
a) landed on runway 07 at YSSY from 1st July 2023 to 30th November 2024. b) landed on runway 07 at YSSY, from 1st July 2023 to 30th November 2024, that used the GLS RWY 07 approach; and the RNP RWY 07 approach; and a vectored approach to final RWY 07; and a visual approach to runway 07. c) used the GLS RWY 07; and the RNP RWY 07 to land on any runway other than RWY 07 YSSY, from 1st July 2023 to 30th November 2024. d) carried out a STAR RIVET FOUR ARRIVAL, to RWY 07, from 1st July 2023 to 30th November 2024. e) carried out a STAR ODALE SEVEN ARRIVAL, to RWY 07, from 1st July 2023 to 30th November 2024. Each month to include a daily dated breakdown of landings. If 10 aircraft landed on the one day, that number can be grouped under that one day. |
10 December 2024
FOI 24-81 |
Air traffic control audio recording of flight AAL7 on 28 October 2024. |
6 December 2024
FOI 24-66 |
Clearances, approvals and safety guidelines for the 2024 Brisbane Festival Riverfire event and practice runs. |
22 November 2024
FOI 24-73 |
Employment statistics for Airservices staff identifying as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander. |
20 November 2024
FOI 24-76 |
NOTAMs and ERSA for Bankstown Airport / YSBK that were in effect on 21 May 2020. |
15 November 2024
FOI 24-69 |
Sydney TCU Local Instructions and all relevant Letters of Agreement (LoA) contained within the SY TCU Local Instructions. |
23 September 2024
FOI 24-56 |
Port Hedland Local Instructions. |
23 September 2024
FOI 24-53 |
Advice from Airservices to the Department of Infrastructure (DITRDCA) regarding the 2021 Master Plan for Moorabbin Airport. |
12 September 2024
FOI 24-64 |
Documents relating to a battery and/or vehicle fire at Sydney International Airport on 11 September 2023. |
9 September 2024
FOI 24-63 |
Melbourne Tower Local Instructions. |
6 September 2024
FOI 24-60 |
Letter of Authorisation (LoA) 3263, depicting the airspace configurations of Melbourne Airport during different runway modes. |
6 September 2024
FOI 24-61 |
Complaint documents sent to Hobart Mercury journalist for news article published on 2 August 2024 titled “Lots of Noise over Airport”. |
6 September 2024
FOI 24-55 |
Air traffic control audio recording of flight QF997 on 4 July. |
6 September 2024
FOI 24-54 |
Air traffic control audio recording of flight JQ707 on 10 July. |
11 July 2024
FOI 24-26 |
Documents relating to flight VH-VQN on 4-6 June. |
6 July 2024
FOI 24-52 |
Documents relating to noise monitors at Primrose Sands, Connelley’s Marsh, and Richmond. |
27 June 2024
FOI 24-45 |
Air traffic control audio recording of Sydney Centre (Kings Tableland) on 9 June 2024. |
26 June 2024
FOI 24-51 |
Responses to survey about Noise Abatement Procedure options (May 2019 – Dec 2022). |
26 June 2024
FOI 24-41 |
Documents relating to the Coode Island Chemical Fire of August 1991. |
20 June 2024
FOI 24-43 |
Documents relating to Environmental Management of Changes to Aircraft Operations. |
6 June 2024
FOI 24-37 |
Perth Terminal Control Unit (TCU) and Melbourne TCU Local Instructions. |
4 June 2024
FOI 24-07 |
Documents relating to Air Traffic Controller staffing, staff recruitment, and staff shortages. |
17 May 2024
FOI 24-34 |
Board Minutes from July 2017 - April 2024 that include references to Hobart Airport Flight Path changes. |
16 May 2024
FOI 24-38 |
Documents relating to flight YPAD-YWHA-YPAD. |
16 May 2024
FOI 23-38 |
PFAS related information in respect of Brisbane and Sunshine Coast Airports. |
8 May 2024
FOI 24-31 |
Historical versions of Environmental Management of Changes to Aircraft Operations National Operating Standard - AA-NOS-ENV-2.100 -Version 18 - from 2015 to current. |
7 May 2024
FOI 24-02 |
Copies of various PAR Reports and Cirrus Reports generated in respect of a series of NOTAM [Oceanic CTA / Coral / Flinders / Lord Howe / Tasman airspace]. |
24 April 2024
FOI 24-26 |
a) copies of statements for credit cards issued to the Chief Executive Officer and
b) copies of expense reimbursement claims, including any attached receipts or documentation, submitted by the Chief Executive Officer. |
18 April 2024
FOI 24-27 |
Copies of the quarterly progress reports against the Airservices Australia Corporate Plan and the Statement of Expectations for Airservices Australia from 1 July 2023 to 30 June 2025 (SoE), between the dates of 16 December 2023 and 28 March 2024. |
18 April 2024
FOI 24-09 |
Documents related to the cancellation of flight VA562 on 18 February 2024. |
10 April 2024 | Documents related to the cancellation of flight VA562 on 18 February 2024. |
9 April 2024
FOI 24-03 |
Access to CASA surveillance audits 2016-2017. |
4 April 2024
FOI 24-24 |
Documents relating to cancellation of JQ768 on 24 February 2024. |
2 April 2024
FOI 24-06 |
Documents relating to an aircraft incident involving VHMSF on 6 October 2023. |
25 March 2024
FOI 24-17 |
Documents relating to incident on aircraft VH-AFO on 22 November 2023. |
20 March 2024
FOI 23-45 |
Documents relating to the use of the helicopter landing site at Dunwich, Queensland. |
18 March 2024
FOI 23-39 |
Copies of historic ICAO Differences Notifications. |
18 March 2024
FOI 23-36 |
ATC Audio and flight plan data relating to the in-flight break of aircraft VH-NBY. |
16 March 2024
FOI 24-14 |
Documents associated with report on Environmental Assessment of Proposed Changes to SIDs and STARs at Hobart Airport. |
15 March 2024
FOI 23-48 |
Documents prepared for the for the Minister for Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government, Communications and the Arts, relating to financial performance, strengthening organisational capability and achievement of service level expectations of Airservices Australia. |
13 March 2024
FOI 23-32 |
Correspondence with third parties in relation to the design and implementation of Runway 30 RNP AR (Hobart). |
2023 | |
25 October 2023
FOI 23-37 |
The list of words, phrases and abbreviations used in the Australian ATIS formats. |
23 October 2023
FOI 23-35 |
Airservices travel policies and guidelines. |
20 October 2023
FOI 23-33 |
Correspondence related to FOI 23-19. |
11 October 2023
FOI 23-29 |
The number of respondents to the Hobart Airport Noise Abatement Procedure (NAP) trial proposal survey and the potential number of respondents in the Southern Beaches area that had the opportunity to respond. |
9 October 2023
FOI 23-31 |
The rationale, justifications, technical evaluation, acceptance documentation and list of changes with effective dates for the current SY RTCC. |
12 September 2023
FOI 23-22 |
Environmental Assessment conducted by Air Services Australia for the Upper Brookfield and Brookfield in 2018. |
25 August 2023
FOI 23-26 |
Certain Post Activation Review Reports issued in relation to Brisbane Centre. |
23 August 2023
FOI 23-27 |
NOTAM issued for YLIS on 13 May 2023. |
11 August 2023
FOI 23-21 |
Information related to Airservices expenditure on external consultants. |
11 August 2023
FOI 23-20 |
The Terms of Reference for conducting noise assessments in Upper Brookfield. |
11 August 2023
FOI 23-16 FOI 23-17 |
Information regarding ATS staff shortages and its impact on Airservices’ operations. |
11 August 2023
FOI 23-13 |
Tower instructions for eight identified towers. |
2 August 2023
FOI 23-18 |
The roster for the Gold Coast sector on 29th June 2023. |
21 July 2023
FOI 23-15 |
The final signed approval that resulted in changes to the 2017 Hobart area flight paths. |
22 June 2023
FOI 23-14 |
Factors that influenced the decision to discount the concerns of Primrose Sands/Carlton River/Forcett residents in moving the Hobart Airport Runway 30 flight path from Dunalley to Carlton Bluff. |
17 May 2023
FOI 23-12 |
The final approval brief that effected the move of the Hobart Airport Runway 30 flight path from Dunalley to Carlton Bluff. |
17 May 2023
FOI 23-07 |
The final approval brief that effected the move of the Hobart Airport Runway 30 flight path from Dunalley to Carlton Bluff. |
9 May 2023
FOI 23-09 |
Paperwork related to passenger stair fall event. |
24 March 2023
FOI 23-02 |
All correspondence exchanged between Airservices Australia and Australian Retirement Trust Pty Ltd (also known as “QSuper” and “Sunsuper”) from 1 November 2021 to the present time. |
23 January 2023
FOI 22-38 |
Agenda and Minutes of Airservices Australia Board Meetings that consider a letter about ARFFS Leadership. |
16 January 2023
FOI 22-37 |
Details of why a forthcoming trial of a Noise Abatement Procedure at Hobart Airport was to be conducted and what was to be done with the results. |
2022 | |
23 December 2022
FOI 22-36 |
The assessment of and recommendations for Aviation Rescue Fire Fighting (ARFF) Resources, specifically on Vehicles and Staffing, for Brisbane Airport from the New Parallel Runway (NPR) Post Implementation Review (PIR) conducted in 2022. |
23 December 2022
FOI 22-35 |
Airservices Australia's estimates briefing pack, including back pocket briefs for the 2022 October and November Budget Estimates. |
20 October 2022
FOI 22-33 |
NOTAM C0026/22 for Lismore Airport (ICAO: YLIS IATA: LSY), issued on/around 26 February 2022. |
12 October 2022
FOI 21-43 |
Documents referred in the 2021 ANO report “Investigation into complaints about the flight paths associated with the Brisbane Airport new parallel runway”. |
6 September 2022
FOI 22-28 |
Certain documents concerning the sale of Lot 1 Glover Street, Lilyfield. |
31 August 2022
FOI 22-18 |
Documents relating to the rank insignia and rank title used by Aviation Rescue Fire Fighting Services of Airservices Australia. |
26 August 2022
FOI 22-16 |
The total amount of NOTAM actions for certain ARFFS issued between 2015-2022. |
26 August 2022
FOI 22-27 |
The current Radar Terrain Clearance Chart used by Sydney ATC for aircraft within 10NM of Sydney Airport (minimum, chart provided could be a larger area) with the date and the list of changes made between this and the former chart. |
22 August 2022
FOI 22-13 |
Air Traffic Control audio relating to the incident ATSB AO-2018-053. |
22 August 2022
FOI 22-19 |
Weather and NOTAMS for YBAF on 4 June 2022 at 06:20 local. |
15 July 2022
FOI 22-07 |
Documents and reports created that consider the outcomes of the Preliminary Site Investigation in October 2018 assessing the extent and geography of PFAS contamination at Perth Airport. |
13 May 2022
FOI 22-04 |
The BAC report titled Brisbane New Parallel Runway Airspace Design: Noise Footprint Comparison to the 2007 Environmental Impact Statement and Major Development Plan (May 2018) and documents related to Airservices' review of it. |
11 May 2022
FOI 22-14 |
Location briefing for YPDN (Darwin) and NOTAM briefing for R224A (mount bundy) on 13 April 2022. |
4 May 2022
FOI 22-12 |
Flight plan/s for Aircraft VH-XSJ flight on 2 April 2022. |
20 April 2022
FOI 22-02 |
Information related to noise complaints made relation to a helicopter landing site at 396 Lane Cove Road, Macquarie Park. |
2021 | |
23 December 2021
FOI 21-42 |
The Gold Coast Air Traffic Control Local Instructions/Procedures document. |
13 December 2021
FOI 21-37F |
The current air traffic control local operating instructions for Melbourne and Sydney. |
29 November 2021
FOI 21-35 |
The response templates used by the NCIS team and fact sheets described in the Training and Procedures Manual – Noise Complaints Management System. |
22 November 2021
FOI 21-31 |
The decision regarding the tender, Supply of external light replacements for Ultra Large Fire Vehicles (UFLV) ASA RFQ-190083. |
27 August 2021
FOI 21-29 |
Airservices policy and procedures for managing, calculating and deciding Airservices staff workplace injury compensation claims and settlements. |
8 September 2021
FOI-21-19 |
Document relating to the development and approval of Brisbane’s New Parallel Runway.
Partial access granted |
27 August 2021
FOI-21-28 |
Recording of the radar tracking from top of descent until landing in relation to CIRRIS report ATS-0182496: AT 0951.
Full access granted |
27 July 2021
FOI-21-25 |
Audio recording of communications between YBBN Approach control and the aircraft QF7291 as contained in CIRRIS report ATS-0182496: AT 0951.
Full access granted |
29 June 2021
FOI-21-24 |
Documents relating to:
Partial access granted |
15 June 2021
FOI-21-17 |
Information about:
Full access granted |
7 June 2021
FOI-21-16 |
Document relating to flight data from 24th April 2021
Full access granted. |
7 June 2021
FOI-21-15 |
Documents about Sydney Terminal Control Unit and proposed consolidation of the Sydney Terminal Control Unit to Melbourne.
Full access granted. |
10 May 2021
FOI-21-11 |
Information about gender composition of air traffic controllers.
Full access granted. |
7 April 2021
FOI-21-08 |
Documents relating to risk assessments and compliance audit in relation to fraud between 2016 and 2019.
Full access granted. |
7 April 2021
FOI-21-04 |
Documents relating to and the movie, Dark Waters.
Partial access provided. |
8 February 2021
FOI-21-01 |
Documents relating to Sydney ATIS on Saturday 6-June-2020 until ATS CIRRIS ATS-0177443 was submitted on 25-June-2020.
Partial access provided. |
2020 | |
18 December 2020
FOI-20-39 |
Documents relating to expansion of Melbourne Airport.
Partial access provided. |
11 December 2020
FOI-20-37 |
Documents relating to PFAS presence at, and surrounding Broome Airport.
Partial access granted. |
7 December 2020
FOI-20-36 |
Documents relating to 2003 Melbourne Airport Master Plan.
Partial access granted. |
1 December 2020
FOI-20-35 |
Documents relating to agreement about fire services between Airservices and the Queensland Government.
Partial access granted. |
27 November 2020
FOI-20-32 |
Documents relating to ANO documentation dated 20/11/2018.
Partial access granted. |
27 November 2020
FOI-20-33 |
Documents relating to ANO evaluation of flight path options for Hobart Airport.
Partial access granted. |
27 November 2020
FOI-20-34 |
Documents relating to ANO’s evaluation of flight path options for Hobart Airport.
Partial access granted. |
11 November 2020
FOI-20-31 |
Documents relating to ANO documentation dated 02/11/2018.
Partial access granted. |
27 October 2020
FOI-20-30 |
Documents relating to ANO documentation dated 02/11/2018.
Full access provided. |
6 October 2020
FOI-20-17 |
Documents relating to CIRRUS incident ATS-0177443.
Partial access granted. |
12 September 2020
FOI-20-23 |
Documents relating to NOTAMs from 04/09/2019 to 04/09/2020.
Partial access granted. |
5 August 2020
FOI-20-14 |
Documents relating to flight data from 06/06/2020.
Full access granted. |
4 August 2020
FOI-20-06 |
Documents relating to flight path design principles.
Partial access provided. |
27 July 2020
FOI-20-13 |
Documents relating to Environmental Management Changes to Aircraft Operations Standard.
Partial access granted. |
22 May 2020
FOI-10-2020 |
Documents relating to the use of fire retardants 2017, 2018 and 2019.
Full access provided. |
28 April 2020
FOI-02-2020 |
Documents relating to reports on PFAS presence at airports.
Partial access provided. |
23 April 2020
FOI-09-2020 |
Documents relating to NOTAMS for Darwin (YPDN) dated 04/03/2020 until 06/03/2020
Full access provided. |
10 March 2020
FOI-04-2020 |
Documents relating to the Board Environment and Community Committee of the Airservices Board since December 2019.
Partial access provided. |
7 February 2020
FOI-56-2019 |
Documents relating to letters of agreement between Airservices and Skydive Sydney-Wollongong, Skydive Melbourne, Skydive Newcastle, Skydive Bryon Bay [sic], & Skydive Cairns.
Partial access provided. |
28 January 2020
FOI-54-2019 |
Documents relating to design options for the Runway 12 'jet SID' and Runway 12 'non-jet SID' at Hobart Airport.
Partial access provided. |
2019 | |
22 November 2019
FOI-51-2019 |
Documents relating to flight data showing aircraft prior the Bankstown airspace boundary.
Full access provided. |
19 November 2019
FOI-45-2019 |
Documents relating to referral proposed flight paths for the Sunshine Coast Airport to the Environment Minister; and any response received.
Full access provided. |
14 November 2019
FOI-36-2019 |
Documents relating to Airservices gift registers which include gift declarations by Airservices executives and staff for the last three years.
Partial access provided. |
13 November 2019
FOI-50-2019 |
Documents from Corporate Integrated Risk and Reporting Information System relating to a summary of incidents which occurred within 100 km of Hobart Airport between 30 July 2019 and 12 October 2019.
Partial access provided. |
30 October 2019
FOI-37-0719 |
Documents relating to the Airspace modernisation program.
Partial access provided. |
15 October 2019
FOI-43-0819 |
Documents relating to 3080 supplied to CASA with the ACP package
Full access provided. |
10 October 2019
FOI-44-0819 |
Documents relating to historic NAIPS records (activation status NOTAM) for the R583B between 11 February 2019 and 11 March 2019 inclusive
Full access provided. |
04 October 2019
FOI-29-0619 |
Documents relating to airspace change proposal regarding Hobart airspace lodged with CASA by Airservices Australia in 2018-19.
Partial access provided. |
03 October 2019
FOI-46-0919 |
Documents relating to aircraft arrivals and departures from runway 34R at the Sydney Airport.
Full access provided. |
13 September 2019
FOI-42-0819 |
All sections of the referred to Finance Manual that deal with or relate to Airservices procurement process. Happy for irrelevant sections to be removed / redacted
1 document released in full |
13 September 2019
FOI-32-0719 |
Approval or advice from Department of Infrastructure and Transport to Airservices Australia regarding EPBC Referral 2011/6104
All documents / correspondence either in the form of advice or approvals related to EPBC 2011/6104 either referred to Department of Environment and Energy and CASA from Airservices and all documents / correspondence received by Airservices from Department of Environment and Energy or CASA in relation to this referral. “Stakeholder Engagement Strategy”. Concept Options Document The Terms of Reference or scope and date of Airservices engagement by Sunshine Coast Council in relation to the development of new flight paths and airspace management plans for the SCA runway 13/31 expansion project. 1 document released in full Section of the Act: 22 |
13 September 2019
FOI-34-0719 |
The Geo-coordinates of flight paths used in the noise modelling and impact assessments undertaken for the 2019 Targeted Environmental Impact Assessment.
Copy of any engagement contracts between Airservices and Sunshine Coast Council 2 Written correspondence by letter, email or fax between ASA and CASA in respect of the consideration of all alternate options. Written reports describing the assessment process for alternative flight path designs submitted by members of the public to Airservices during community consultation) 2 documents released in full Section of the Act: 22 |
28 August 2019
FOI-38-0719 |
An extract from the Corporate Integrated Risk and Reporting Information System (CIRRIS) which shows the date, time, location, airspace class, incident type, model and make of aircraft and summary of incidents in relation to the following incidents which occurred within 100 km of Hobart Airport between the period 29 August 2018 to 29 July 2019 (inclusive):
1 document released in part Section of the Act: 22 |
26 August 2019
FOI-30-0619 |
All records of internal meetings held by Airservices to discuss the impact of community feedback on 'final' flight path designs, and alignment of such designs, during the Hobart Airspace Design Review. Meeting records may include agendas, Minutes, reports, diagrams, notes, etc.
8 documents released in part Section of the Act: 22 |
31 July 2019
FOI-27-0519 |
Copies of your documents and file notes regarding discussions with the Sunshine Coast Council/Sunshine Coast Airport in relation to the all proposed options for flight paths for the new 13/31 runway.
3 documents released in full Section of the Act: 22
31 June 2019
FOI-26-0519 |
Copy of the Targeted Environment Assessment (TEA) from ASA for under the flight paths via FOI.
1 document released in full. |
13 June 2019
FOI-21-0519 |
Airspace Change Proposal submitted to CASA concerning an application for airspace over Schouten Island, Freycinet, Maria Island and Marion Bay; and
All internal correspondence, such as emails, memos, notes and executive papers, which refer to this proposal. 4 documents released in full Section of the Act: 22 |
04 June 2019
FOI22-0519 |
Rates of absenteeism for reason of personal leave for those employees employed by Airservices Australia and covered by the Airservices Australia (Air traffic Control and Supporting Air Traffic Services) Enterprise Agreement 2017-2020 (ATC EA) and the Airservices Australia (Air Traffic Control Line Manager) Enterprise Agreement (2014 – 2017) (ALM EA )
2 documents released in full Section of the Act: 22 |
21 May 2019
FOI-106-0219 |
Communications regarding the recommission of the VOR/DME beacon and documents regarding industry stakeholder meeting on 13 August 2018 which related to flight path changes in Hobart.
10 documents released in full Section of the Act: 22 |
8 May 2019
FOI-15-0319 |
For the period from AEST 1100hours 17 March 2019 to AEST 1230hours 17 March 2019:
3 documents released in full |
10 April 2019
FOI-02-0119 |
Audio recordings and transcripts of transmissions between Airservices Air Traffic Control and the flight crew before, during and after the incident [Malindo Air flight OD178 turning left instead of heading straight on September 26 2018 at Melbourne Airport]; and recordings or records of radar data from the taxi, take-off and first 30 minutes of this flight.
2 documents released in full Sections of the Act : 22
5 April 2019
FOI-104-0219 |
A report completed by Air Services Australia on an incident near Adelaide in May, 2015 where four aircraft were involved in a loss of separation and radar vectors occurrence.
1 document released in part Section of the Act: 22 |
4 March 2019
FOI-72-1218 |
“Stakeholder Engagement Strategy for the Hobart flight path design review which commenced in January 2018, including the communications plan.”
1 document released in part Section of the Act: 22 |
4 March 2019
FOI-03-0119 |
1 document released in full |
25 January 2019
FOI-04-0219 |
“Documents concerning the meeting held with industry stakeholders on 13 August 2018 in regards to proposed changes to flight paths in Hobart”
4 Documents Section of the Act: 22 |
25 January 2019
FOI-75-1218 |
Documents regarding a complaint lodged by the South East Coast Lifestyle Association (SECLA) regarding the performance of the Consulting Firm
Partial Access to 2 Documents Section of the Act: 22 |
18 February 2019
FOI-62-1018 |
Documents related to changes to aircraft flight paths over the East Melbourne suburb.
32 Documents Section of the Act: 22 |
18 January 2019
FOI-06-0219 |
Documents related to the SIDs and STARs to the West of Hobart Airport developed or discussed as part of the current Design Review
20 Documents Section of the Act: 22 |
01 February 2019
FOI-70-1118 |
“The initial draft version provided to Airservices Australia of the document entitled "Social Impact Overview of Hobart Airspace Changes (September 2017/March 2018): Consultation Summary Report"
All internal correspondence which provides comments on or suggested changes to this document; attachments to these correspondences are considered irrelevant to the request” Partial Access to all 12 Documents Section of the Act: 22 |
2018 | |
21 December 2018
FOI-71-1218 |
“Airservices’ s current procedures for demonstrating its compliance with the Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999, including its noise assessment procedure”
Section of the Act: 22 |
28 November 2018
FOI-63-1018 |
“All "Temporary Local Instructions" issued to Airservices staff in Hobart from 1 September 2017 to 4 October 2018 relating to the Hobart SIDs and STARs;
The Safety Case Assessment and Determination (SCARD) associated with each of these Temporary Local Instructions.” Partial Access to all 15 documents Section of the Act: 22 |
19 November 2018 FOI-48-0718 |
“The body of any finalised reports done between 2000 and 2018 on the extent of per- and poly-fluoroalkyl (PFAS) contamination at Sydney Airport, excluding the appendices”
Partial Access to all 3 documents Section of the Act: 22 |
1 November 2018
FOI-60-1018 |
Full access to one document Section of the Act: 22 |
18 October 2018
FOI-58-0918 |
Recording of the radar (unfiltered/raw if possible) from Melbourne Airport on Saturday night 1st of September, between 7.30pm-8.00pm.
Full Access to 1 document |
10 October 2018
FOI-43-0618 |
Documents related to the construction works undertaken at the Civil Aviation Authority Building, located at 1 Lomandra Drive, Eagle Farm, Queensland.
Full Access to 23 document Section of the Act: 22
24 September 2018
FOI-54-0818 |
An extract from the Corporate Integrated Risk and Reporting Information System (CIRRIS) which shows the date, time, location, airspace class, incident type, model and make of aircraft and summary of incidents in relation to incidents which occurred within 100 km of Hobart Airport between the period 9 April 2018 to 23 August 2018. |
21 September 2018
FOI-53-0818 |
Total number of aircraft arriving on Runway 12 and the total number of aircraft arriving on Runway 30 between the period 22 June 2018 to 23 August 2018 (inclusive). |
17 September 2018
FOI-49-0718 |
Section of the Act: 22 |
13 September 2018
FOI-47-0718 |
Cirrus report and audio recording between Air Traffic Control and flight crew for flight ZL467 (VH-RXX)
1 document and 3 audio recordings released in full |
8 August 2018
FOI-36-0618 |
Information and documents regarding the establishment of the flight path back in 2007/2008 for south flight departures off the Runway 21. These flights then track west over Wilson, Riverton ,Shelley , Waterford , Manning and Salters Point
Full access to 14 documents Section of the Act: 22 |
8 August 2018
FOI-28-0518 |
Documents showing the total amount spent on external legal firms for any workplace disputes/bullying/harassment/complaints (where an ARRF officer may have been stood down during the investigation) for the period 1 March 2017 to the current date for the ARFF business unit only.
Partial release of 6 documents Section of the Act: 22 |
27 July 2018
FOI-08-0118 |
Reports relating to exposure of Airservices staff.
2 documents released in full Exemptions: S 47F, S 47G |
27 July 2018
FOI-07-0118 |
Reports relating to public relations and stakeholder management.
1 document released in full |
17 July 2018
FOI-27-0518 |
Documents showing credit card expenses of 3 senior executives.
1 Document released in part Sections of the Act: 22 |
15 July 2018
FOI-39-0618 |
Documents outlining FOI requests received in 2017 and 2018.
1 Document released in part Sections of the Act: 22 |
13 July 2018
FOI-25-0418 |
Internal correspondence relating safety and efficiency of Hobart Airport SIDS and STARS.
24 documents released in part Sections of the Act: 22
4 June 2018
FOI-16-0318 |
PSI Report Perth Airport.
2 documents released in full |
20 May 2018
FOI-13-0318 |
Documents relating to training and standard operating procedures for HF radio oceanic services.
2 documents released in full Sections of the Act: 22 |
9 May 2018
FOI-21-0418 |
Extract from the Corporate Integrated Risk and Reporting Information System related to incidents at Hobart Airport.
1 document released in part Sections of the Act: 22 |
23 April 2018
FOI-05-0118 |
Correspondence related between:
6 documents released in full Sections of the Act: 22
13 April 2018
FOI-06-0118 |
Documents relating to a change from a left hand circuit to a right hand circuit at Point Cook Airfield.
23 documents released in full Sections of the Act: 22 |
11 April 2018
FOI-12-0218 |
Extract from the Corporate Integrated Risk and Reporting Information System related to incidents at Hobart Airport; and internal correspondence which relate to safety of the Hobart SIDs and STARs.
15 Documents released in part Sections of the Act: 22 |
11 April 2018
FOI-12-0218 |
Correspondence relating to the Post Implementation Review (PIR) for the introduction of RNP 1 SIDS/STARS at Hobart.
13 documents released in part Sections of the Act: 22 |
26 March 2018
FOI-12-0218 |
Post Implementation Review (PIR) for the introduction of RNP 1 SIDS/STARS at Hobart, and extract from the Corporate Integrated Risk and Reporting Information System (CIRRIS) relating to incidents at Hobart Airport.
2 documents released in part Sections of the Act: 22 |
1 March 2018
FOI-01-0118 |
Documents related to analysis of community feedback , assessment of options, recommendations and reason for decision in relation to Airservices “Review Report Hobart Runway 30 STAR”.
3 document released in full Sections of the Act: 22 |
22 February 2018
FOI-11-0218 |
Fire incidents between January 2011 to December 2015, a list including the individual:
1 document released in full. |
19 February 2018 | Flight times for all aircrafts which left Essendon Airport flying to Albury Airport between 4.00am and 5.00am on the 26 September 2010; in particular any Air Ambulance flights ferrying patient(s).
1 document released in full. |
8 February 2018
FOI-04-0118 |
Record of the landings for VH-ICA during the period 1 July 2011 to the 30 November 2013.
1 document released in full. |
1 February 2018 | AirServices Australia, Report for ARFF National Testing Program, Preliminary Site Contamination Assessment, Melbourne ARFF Drill Ground, Melbourne Airport, 2008.
1 document partial release Sections of the Act: 47F, 22 |
29 January 2018
FOI-36-1217 |
Fire Incidents at Airports in the last two years which includes:
1 Document released in full. |
2017 | |
21 December 2017 | Following documents for the STAR/SID route planned to be implemented at Launceston Airport during November/December 2017:
Seven documents, all 7 released in part. Section of the Act: 22 |
18 December 2017 | Documents which refer to 'Option 2' contained in the memo (a proposal put forward by staff employed in the Hobart Control Tower as an alternative to the STAR/SID), including all correspondence which refers to this option
4 Documents, all four released in part Section of the Act: 22 |
16 November 2017 | Document regarding a close proximity incident at Brisbane Airport.
1 documents, released in part Exemption: 47G |
10 November 2017 | Documents related to the standardisation of the Hobart flight path.
4 documents, all four released in part Section of the Act: 22 |
3 November 2017 | all documents which:
4 documents, all four released in part Section of the Act: 22 |
31 October 2017 | ARFF FOAM testing report and Minutes from risk workshop. |
2 November 2017 | Submission to the Australian Government regarding the Labour Agreement to sponsor overseas workers; and an email summarising the change to the skilled migration program
2 documents, both documents released in part Section of the Act: 22 |
22 September 2017 | Flight plans and radio call signs for various aircrafts. |
19 February 2017 | Documents related to the movement of aircrafts that used ‘smart track’. |
17 January 2019
FOI-64-1018 |
“Head contract agreements entered into by the Provider and Airservices Australia in connection with the engagement of the Provider in connection with Request for Proposal ASA RFP PRN_12390”.”
Partial Access to all 3 Documents Section of the Act: 22 |
2016 | |
16 December 2016 (stage 1) and 22 December 2016 (stage 2) |
Documents related to branch assurance assessments, DRE assurance assessments, OLR unit assurance assessments and ToM (Target Operating Model) risk assessments. |
12 November 2016 | Flight plan lodged and any recordings with air traffic control regarding a private helicopter. |
09 November 2016 | Radar replays and flight information for Saturday 9 Jan 2016 (4.20pm to 5pm) and Friday 26 August 2011 between 5.30pm and 5.40pm. |
23 June 2016 | Airservices Australia ATC Workplace Assessment Brisbane Operations Room. |
27 May 2016 | Expenditure details of corporate credit card or cards on the Airservices Australia account held by acting CEO at the time. |
19 April 2016 | Documents related to Trips Airservices Australia staff have made to France for discussions regarding OneSKY. |
22 March 2016 | Documents related to Tethered UAV Operations. |
10 March 2016 | Documents between elected members, Perth Airport, Airservices and AECOM. |
02 March 2016 | Instructions/procedures and correspondence in regards to how air traffic controllers at Melbourne airport should respond to 'double go-arounds' situations during Land And Hold Short Operations (LAHSO). |
02 March 2016 | Copies of all advice provided by Airservices to Hon Warren Truss MP, Deputy Prime Minister on the now approved Gold Coast ILS. |
2015 | |
07 December 2015 | Guidelines under which an environmental assessment is completed and documents related to the incomplete trial over Canning Vale. |
30 November 2015 | Flight plans and/or flight records for January 2014 onward for:
14 September 2015 | Primary radar data, tracks, returns, sourced from Tullamarine Airport, Melbourne. |
03 September 2015 | Primary radar data from Cairns International Airport. |
28 August 2015 | Primary radar data for Tullamarine Airport Melbourne for 23 August 2015. |
27 August 2015 | Internal Incident report. |
25 August 2015 | Primary radar data for Cairns International Airport for 18 August 2015. |
30 July 2015 | Documents relating to Geelong Planning Permit PP879 2014 helicopter landing site (Victoria). |
14 July 2015 | Documents relating to aircraft noise around Ashgrove QLD. |
2 July 2015 | Transcript of audio between air traffic control and pilot in command. |
2014 | |
6 December 2014 | Documents relating to Airservices tender number ASA RFT PRN4811 (ARFF modular fire station) Port Hedland WA. |
20 October 2014 | Documents relating to noise monitoring around Busselton Regional Airport (BRA). |
1 October 2014 | Documents relating to consultation done regarding changes to Airservices work performance framework. |
30 September 2014 | Documents relating to any primary and secondary radar contacts over the town of, and regional area surrounding Armidale, New South Wales on the night of Sunday the 21st of September, 2014. |
9 February 2014 | Documents relating to the contract and relationship between International Centre for Complex Project Management (ICCPM) and Airservices Australia. |
9 April 2014 | Documents relating to the radar replay in relation to the "near miss" event between an aircraft and an "unknown object" over metropolitan Perth at 0913 WST on the 19th of March, 2014. |
11 March 2014 | Correspondence from Air Chief Marshal Angus Houston of Airservices Australia to the Minister for Infrastructure and Regional Development - since 8 September 2013 to January 2014. |
9 January 2014 | Documents in relation to Air Traffic Control local instructions. |
2013 | |
3 December 2013 | Documents in relation to Air Traffic Control local instructions and training material used by Air Traffic Control. |
23 December 2013 | Details of the remuneration rates for all senior leadership team members (3rd level managers) in Airservices Australia, including their total remuneration and total. |
2012 | |
15 March 2012 | Flight plans for various aircraft |
18 June 2012 | Documents in relation to UFO sightings |
21 June 2012 | Flight data over Kurnell NSW |
20 July 2012 | Environmental assessments carried out by Airservices in relation to flight paths over Fingal Head |
13 August 2012 | Documents in relation to ATC short break procedure |
16 August 2012 | Documents in relation to Manual of Air Traffic Services (MATS) |
29 August 2012 | Flight plans for various aircraft |
12 September 2012 | Documents in relation to radar and radio transmitter sites |
30 November 2012 | Documents in relation to the report into the review/audit the board carried out into the expenses of the former CEO of Airservices |
5 December 2012 | Flight plans for various aircraft |
2011 | |
07 June 2011 | Flights conducted by private jets in 2010 |
10 June 2011 | Radar Terrain Clearance Charts |
21 September 2011 | Radar information in relation to aircraft VH-CIV |
24 October 2011 | Flight plans for various aircraft |
08 December 2011 | Flight plans for various aircraft |
19 December 2011 | Flight plans for various aircraft |
Airservices Australia (the organisation) has prepared this Agency Plan (Plan) in accordance with section 8(1) of the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Cth) as amended (FOI Act).
Part II of the FOI Act, which deals with the Information Publication Scheme (Scheme), came into effect on 1 May 2011.
All references to sections in this Plan are to sections of the FOI Act.
2. Purpose
The primary purpose of this Plan is to comply with section 8(1).
Under section 8(1), the Plan must show:
- what information the organisation proposes to publish for the purposes of Part II of the FOI Act;
- how, and to whom, the organisation proposes to publish information for the purposes of Part II; and
- how the organisation otherwise proposes to comply with Part II.
The Plan will help the organisation to put appropriate procedures in place to proactively disclose its information holdings, in accordance with the objects of the FOI Act.
3. Objectives
The organisation's objectives in relation to this Plan are to outline appropriate mechanisms and procedures to:
- manage the organisation's information holdings relevant to the Scheme;
- proactively identify and publish all information required to be published, including this Plan (in accordance with section 8(2));
- review and ensure on a regular basis that information published by the organisation under the Scheme is accurate, up-to-date and complete (in accordance with section 8B);
- ensure that information published under the Scheme is able to be discovered by the general public, is understandable and re-useable and is accessible to a wide range of people, including people with disabilities; and
- assess the effectiveness of the organisation's implementation of the Scheme.
4. Implementing The Scheme
4.1 Who is responsible for leading the organisation's work on implementing freedom of information (FOI) reforms?
The FOI and Inquires Coordinator, Office of Legal Counsel is responsible for leading the organisation's work on implementing FOI reforms generally. This includes establishing and developing the Scheme at the organisation, maintaining the Scheme at the organisation in accordance with any assistance or guidelines provided by the Information Commissioner, and ensuring that all requests for access to documents of the organisation received from 1 November 2010 are processed in accordance with the amended FOI Act.
4.2 Existing information asset management framework and meeting the Scheme's requirements
From 1 May 2011, the organisation is required to publish and make publicly available a range of information. The information required to be published is specified in section 8(2).
Information published by the organisation prior to the implementation of the Scheme
The organisation publishes a range of material on its public website, including:
- information on the organisation's management team, including its organisational structure, business groups, and senior management;
- a description of the organisation's responsibilities;
- information on statutory appointments;
- Annual Reports;
- information regarding consultation processes;
- information provided to the Parliament in response to requests and orders from the Parliament;
- the organisation's Provider Certificates;
- the organisation's corporate plan;
- information on consultation opportunities and invitations for public comment;
- media releases and other news;
- guidelines to assist members of the public / organisations comply with statutory requirements;
- environment and safety policy;
- information provided in response to Senate Orders; and
- contact details.
Satisfaction of Scheme requirements
From 1 May 2011, the FOI Inquiries Coordinator will be responsible for managing the Scheme, with administration of the Scheme to be undertaken by the organisation's Legal Section. As new processes are developed for managing information and internet material, the Legal section will work with relevant line areas to integrate the Scheme into the management frameworks and will update the Plan accordingly.
To ensure ongoing satisfaction with the Scheme's requirements, the organisation will undertake a review exercise. This exercise will involve:
- reviewing existing information held by the organisation to determine whether further material should be made publicly available as part of the Scheme;
- reviewing existing information held by the organisation that is routinely provided to Parliament in response to requests and orders; and
- determining what additional information should be published to satisfy the requirements of section 8(2).
Any information that is identified by the organisation as part of this exercise will be published in accordance with the requirements of the Scheme.
4.3 Register of information required or permitted to be published under the Scheme
The organisation will develop and maintain a "disclosure log" of information released in response to FOI requests in accordance with the requirements of section 11C of the FOI Act.
5. Information Architecture
5.1 How will the organisation publish information?
From 1 May 2011, the organisation will publish information for the Scheme on its website that is available to members of the public generally in accordance with sections 8D(2) and 8D(3).
In accordance with section 8D(3), the organisation will publish information on the website by:
- making the information available for downloading from the website; and
- for those documents that are not currently available on the website, by publishing on the website details of how the information may be obtained
5.2 Form and language in which the organisation intends to publish information and where the information will be located
The organisation intends to publish the information in PDF format and in English.
As discussed in paragraph 5.1, the information will be located on the organisation's website or in certain circumstances may be located elsewhere. If the information is located elsewhere information on how that information can be obtained will be published on the website.
6. Information to be Published
The organisation will publish information in accordance with section 8(2).
6.1 Information to be published by the organisation under the Scheme
The organisation will publish the following:
- this Plan (as required under section 8(2)(a));
- information about the organisation, and links to existing publicly available information where appropriate (as required under sections 8(2)(b) and (8(2)(d)), such as:
- the organisation's organisational chart;
- details of appointments of officers that are made under Acts (other than the Public Service Act 199);
- information about what the organisation does including details of the functions of the organisation, its decision-making powers, other powers affecting members of the public, and operational information (as required under sections 8(2)(c) and 8(2)(j)), such as:
- a list of matters dealt with by the organisation, including providing a link to the Administrative Arrangements Orders; and
- information to assist members of the public to comply with statutory requirements;
- reports and responses to Parliament (as required under sections 8(2)(e) and 8(2)(h)), such as:
- the organisation's Annual Report;
- information in documents to which the organisation routinely gives access in response to requests for access to documents (as required under section 8(2)(g)) and information published under section 11C;
- details of arrangements for members of the public to comment on specific policy proposal's for which the organisation is responsible, including how and to whom those comments may be made (as required under section 8(2)(f)); and
- contact details for an officer (or officers) of the organisation who can be contacted about access to the organisation's information or documents under the FOI Act (as required under section 8(2) (i)), including the telephone number and email address of the FOI Contact Officer.
7. Optional Information to be published
The organisation will publish on its website other information that it holds (in addition to the information published under section 8(2), taking into account the objects of the FOI Act (section 8(4)). This information includes:
- the organisation's Strategic Plan and Service Charter;
- the organisation's Environment and Safety Policy;
- the organisation's financial statements; and
- financial information relating to pay and grading structures.
In addition, the organisation may publish a link to other publications not covered by the categories referred to above, including policies, guidelines, and other publications identified by the organisation from time to time.
8. Review of information publication scheme
The organisation will undertake, in conjunction with the Information Commissioner, a first review of the operation of the Scheme within the timeframes set out in section 9(2) of the FOI Act.
Following this first review, the organisation will undertake, in conjunction with the Information Commissioner, a review of the operation of the Scheme:
- as appropriate from time to time; and
- in any case – within 5 years after the last time a review was completed
The Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act) gives every person the right to obtain access to documents held by Airservices, subject to specific exemptions which are set out in the FOI Act
To make a valid request for documents under the FOI Act, the application must:
- Send your written request to Airservices FOI Coordinator to either: or GPO Box 367, Canberra ACT 2601.
- Specify an electronic or physical address where Airservices can send a copy of your request.
- Sufficient information for Airservices to identify the documents you seek.
- Specify that your request is made under the FOI Act.
Before making an FOI request, you should check the information Airservices has published under its Information Publication Scheme (IPS) and FOI disclosure log to see if the information you are seeking is already publicly available. The IPS and the FOI disclosure log are located on the Airservices website.
FOI Charges may be imposed
There is no cost to submit an FOI access request, however you may be subject to charges under section 29 of the FOI Act. Charges will not be imposed for an access request regarding your own personal information.
You will be notified of any charges following receipt of your request and you will be provided with the opportunity to notify Airservices as to how you wish to proceed. The charges imposed are for processing your request. Please note that payment of the charges is not a guarantee that access to documents will be granted. The charges include the time dedicated to searching for and retrieving relevant documents, and decision making time.
If your request incurs a charge, you will be notified as soon as possible and given an estimate of the fees. Your request will not be processed until the relevant fees are paid. In order to limit the likelihood of charges being imposed, you may wish to define the scope of your request as precisely as possible to ensure that only relevant documents are captured by your request. Regardless of whether fees are paid, subject to a document’s sensitivity, it is possible that access may not be granted, if an exemption under the FOI Act applies.
For further information, please contact Airservices FOI Coordinator at
In accordance with section 15A of the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act) and the Privacy Act 1988 (Privacy Act), Airservices has established the following procedure by which current and former employees can request access to their personnel records.
All requests for access to personnel records will be processed in accordance with the requirements of the Privacy Act and the FOI Act before being released to ensure that any material required to be exempt is withheld from release.
To make a valid request for access to personnel records, please ensure you provide the following:
- Send your written request to Airservices FOI Coordinator to either: or GPO Box 367, Canberra ACT 2601.
- Specify an electronic or physical address where Airservices can send a copy of your request.
- Provide sufficient information for Airservices to identify the kind and scope of your personnel records that you are seeking.
For example:- “I want copies of my Performance appraisals for the period 2015 to 2017.”
- “I want copies of my Personal leave records for from January to June 2019.”
For further information, please contact Airservices FOI Coordinator at
Information and resources
Review our corporate publications here.