New User Registration
To access the NAIPS internet Service, you must register a username and password and provide your contact details. To access AVFAX you will also need an account number which will be provided with confirmation of your registration. Your username and password must be protected by you from disclosure to unauthorised individuals. For assistance in completing most data fields, hover the cursor or pointer over an item, without clicking it, and a tooltip may appear. For help with NAIPS Pilot Briefing Service call the NAIPS Help Desk (24 hrs a day, 7 days a week) on 1800 801 960.Privacy Information: Personal information supplied by pilots and associated support personnel wishing to register/make enquiries on the NAIPS Internet Briefing Service is added to NAIPS registration database. It is used to contact you about briefing services and forward relevant information. Airservices will neither use the personal information for any other purpose, nor disclose it to any other party without your consent.