AIP Document and Chart Descriptions
Aeronautical Information Publication (AIP)
AIP Australia consists of a package of documents which provides all of the operational information necessary for the safe and efficient conduct of domestic and international air navigation throughout Australia.
AIP Supplements (SUP)/Aeronautical Information Circulars (AIC)
AIP SUP include operational information appropriate to the AIP. SUP are published when the information is of a temporary nature and requires advanced notification. SUP indicating major changes affecting air operations are usually issued under the ICAO Aeronautical Information Regulation and Control (AIRAC) requirement which stipulates that implementation occurs on a specific AIRAC date.
AIC contain information of a technical nature and are generally educational, giving advance notice of new facilities, services, procedures, etc.
Aeronautical Information Publication (AIP) Book
The AIP contains aeronautical Information essential to air navigation Including regulations, procedures and other information pertinent to the conduct of flight In Australia. The AIP book consists of three parts, General (GEN), En Route (ENR) and Aerodrome (AD), each divided into sections and subsections as applicable.
Designated Airspace Handbook (DAH)
DAH provides Information on airspace volumes in Australian airspace and it is amended every 6 months.
En Route Supplement Australia (ERSA)
ERSA is a publication which contains information vital for planning a flight and for the pilot in flight. It includes pictorial presentations of all certified and certain uncertified aerodromes and landing sites. It is amended every 12 weeks. Other information includes aerodrome physical characteristics, hours of operation, visual ground aids, air traffic services, navaids, lighting, CTAF frequency, aerodrome operators' details and any changes applicable. The ERSA is available in spiral bound or loose leaf format and can be supplied with or without the Runway Distance Supplement.
Runway Distance Supplement (RDS)
RDS provides take-off and landing distances data and supplementary data for all certified aerodromes. It is amended at the same time as the ERSA.
Departure And Approach Procedures (DAP)
This publication is a compilation of Departure and Approach procedures for aerodromes including conventional (NDB/VOR/ILS) approach procedures, RNP approach and SID/STAR. The publication is divided into two separate packages called DAP East and DAP West. DAP also contains charts on the Aerodrome, Ground movement and Aprons and Taxiway layouts.
Visual Terminal Charts (VTC)
VTC provide both aeronautical and topographical information at a scale of 1:250,000 for VFR operations in the vicinity of major aerodromes. In some cases, the VTC show detail of tracks to be flown and significant landmarks which are used by pilots of VFR aircraft to avoid inadvertent penetration of controlled or restricted airspace.
Enroute Charts (ERC) High (H) And Low (L)
ERC (L) are drawn to various scales to accommodate significant air traffic route areas and show controlled airspace, special use airspaces, air routes, ATS and radio-navigation services.
ERC (H) are designed to provide selected information similar to that of ERC (L) series and are primarily for use by aircraft operating on transcontinental and intercapital routes at FL200 and above.
Terminal Area Charts (TAC)
For use in terminal areas, TAC provide airspace, air-routes, special use airspaces, navigation aids and radio frequencies. They are designed to display aeronautical information at a larger scale for easier use in congested areas. Scale varies for each chart.
Visual Navigation Charts (VNC)
VNC will help you plan your flight in relation to controlled airspace, transition from the WAC to the VTC when operating around terminal areas and navigate when nearing controlled airspace or special use airspace. Topographical information at a scale of 1:500,000.
Planning Chart Australia (PCA)
PCA contains meteorological Area Forecast boundaries and locations, communication coverage outside controlled airspace and WAC coverage.
World Aeronautical Charts (WAC)
These Australian charts are part of the ICAO 1:1,000,000 international series. Designed for pre-flight planning as well as pilotage, WAC are constructed using Lambert's conformal conic projection and conform to ICAO specifications.