Pre-flight preparation
Pilot responsibility

Pilots are no longer required to lodge details about tracks, headings, true air and ground speeds or time intervals. However, you have a responsibility to prepare and plan for your flight. Thorough pre-flight preparation is a good defence against an airspace infringement.

Ensure that you:

  • have current charts to cover your entire operation
  • consider Control Area (CTA) steps and restricted areas along and around your planned route
  • have checked NAIPS for NOTAMS.
Pilot checking aircraft.
Control panel in a helicopter.

Flight briefing
NAIPS Internet service

The National Aeronautical Information Processing System (NAIPS) is a multi-function, computerised, aeronautical information system. It processes and stores meteorological and NOTAM information as well as enables the provision of briefing products and services to pilots and the Australian Air Traffic Control platform.

Helpful information

NOTAM originators are required to use their NAIPS User ID to access the NAIPS Internet Service (NIS) to check their NOTAM for correctness.

NOTAM Originator resources

Keep up to date on recent aviation authority alert with our NOTAM Originator resources.

Pre-flight preparation
Flight notification form

Pilots are no longer required to lodge details about tracks, headings, true air and ground speeds or time intervals. However, pilots retain responsibility to prepare a flight and fuel plan for their flight.

Person looking at a tablet.

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Airservices is at the forefront of Australian aviation. We are uniquely connected to all parts of the industry and offer exciting and innovative work across a range of operational and corporate roles.

Career paths on offer at Airservices include
Air Traffic Control, Aviation Rescue Fire Fighting, information technology, corporate support and more.